Brush Safety


(Provided by the Los Angeles County Fire Department)

RESIDENTS LIVING IN EITHER MOUNTAINOUS, BRUSH or FOOTHILL AREAS - should take the following action steps: 

  • Clear, cut back, thin out, trim up and remove flammable vegetation or combustible growth for a distance of 100 feet around any structure, or 200 feet around any structure in extra hazard areas to create a firebreak.  This section shall not apply to single specimens of either native or ornamental trees, shrubs, or ground covers provided they are cut back, thinned out, trimmed up and spaced so as to provide an adequate firebreak and do not form a fuel ladder to any structure. (F.C. 317.2.2(3), 317.2.3).
  • Remove flammable vegetation and other combustible growth within 30 feet of any structures on your property. Thin out or remove an additional 70 feet-for a total of 100 feet.
  • Learn about and landscape your yard with plants that are drought-tolerant and fire resistant. Maintain plants and avoid overgrowth!
  • Immediately report any sightings of smoke by calling 9-1-1.
  • Use extreme caution when operating spark or flame-producing machinery in hazardous grass and brush areas.
  • Maintain street signs and make sure that address numbers are visible from the street.
  • Have an evacuation plan in place. Make sure that each person in your household is aware of two exit routes from your neighborhood.
  • When evacuating your home, close all windows and doors around your home to prevent embers from blowing inside. Unlock all gates and fences around the perimeter to provide firefighters quick access.
  • During a fire in your area, monitor radio and television news reports on the status of the fire. If a fire approaches your home, do not wait for officials to evacuate you. Leave the fire area immediately and contact the American Red Cross for shelter locations if needed.

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