Chadwick Ranch Estates

Description of Project

The Chadwick Ranch Estates Specific Plan project includes requests for several discretionary permits that would allow grading of 14 lots for single-family estate residences; construction of related roadways and utilities; and designation of 15 lettered nonresidential lots consisting of open space, debris basins and a water quality basin, a reservoir, a private street and an emergency access.  The following is a list of discretionary permits required from the City for the proposed project:

  • General Plan Amendment
  • Chadwick Ranch Estates Specific Plan
  • Zone Change
  • Zoning Code Amendment
  • Vesting Tentative Tract Map N. 82349
  • Tree Preservation and Protection Plan/Tree Removal Permit
A detailed presentation of the project can be found by clicking here.
Please keep checking this site for updates on the project.

Public review of draft environmental impact report (deir)

The Chadwick Ranch Estates project has released for Public Review the project's Draft Environmental Impact Report. The review period started on March 11, 2022 and ended April 25, 2022. The project DEIR can be accessed by clicking the following link:

Draft Environmental Impact Report

The DEIR Technical Appendices can be accessed below:

Appendix A - Notice of Preparation Appendix M - Biological Resources
Appendix B - Notice of Completion Appendix N - Cultural Resources Investigation
Appendix C - Summary Form Appendix O - Geotechnical Report
Appendix D - Newspaper Publication Affidavit Appendix P - Paleontological Resources Records Search
Appendix E - Initial Study Distribution Appendix Q - Hydrology & Hydraulics Report & LID Plan
Appendix F - Certified Mail Receipts Compiled Appendix R - Well Sites Evaluation
Appendix G -  Initial Study Appendix S - Ambient Noise Measurement Data
Appendix H - Public Comments Received on Initial Study Appendix T - VMT Memo
Appendix I - Scoping Meeting Files Appendix U - Water System Memo & Cal Am Water Will Serve Letter
Appendix J - Fire Protection Plan Appendix V - Specific Plan
Appendix K - Visual Simulations Appendix W - Energy Use Calculations
Appendix L - Air Quality & GHG Emissions Calculations  

Additional documentation related to the DEIR include the following:

Scoping Meeting

Given the current situation with COVID-19, the City has extended the time to comment on the Notice of Preparation for the Chadwick Ranch Estates Specific Plan Project until April 30, 2020.  Comments on the Notice of Preparation can be found by clicking here.

A public Scoping meeting was held via GotoWebinar on April 22, 2020.  The PowerPoint from the meeting can be viewed by clicking here

Comments from the Public Scoping Meeting can be found by clicking here.

Notice of Preparation of Draft EIR

The City of Bradbury is the Lead Agency and is responsible for undertaking an environmental review of the proposed Chadwick Ranch Estates Project.  The City has determined that the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) would clearly be required to address the potential impacts associated with the proposed Chadwick Ranch Estates Project.  The City is, therefore, issuing a Notice of Preparation (NOP) of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the project.  The NOP can be accessed by clicking the below link:

Notice of Preparation of Draft EIR 

Initial Study (IS) – Chadwich Ranch Estates

The Initial Study presents an assessment of the potential environmental consequences that might result from the construction and subsequent occupancy of Chadwick Ranch Estates, a proposed 111.8-acre exclusive master-planned residential community in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains in the northeastern part of the City of Bradbury.  The IS can be accessed by clicking the below link:

Initial Study – Chadwick Ranch Estates 

Contact Information

The project planner for this project is Ms. Trayci Nelson.  She can be contacted by email at or by phone at (562) 202-2492
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